The HitRadio Crew Grows

The HitRadio Crew Grows

As they day went on, more people came and never left. Reunited here are John Pordon, VIn Masi, Mike Barker, Jimmy Donchez, Ian Lainof, and Mike Gavin.

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Permalink: https://www.wpscfm.com/viewphoto.asp?type=photo&photoid=20181206%2DDSC%5F0034%2Ejpg

Photo Courtesy:   Mike Bonte
Photo Taken: Thursday, December 6, 2018 at WPSC-FM Lounge
Photo Added: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
People Tagged:  Ian Lainof   Jimmy Donchez   John Pordon   Mike Barker   Mike Gavin   Vin Masi  
Keywords:  30th Celebration   Staff  
In Galleries:  30th Celebration - HitRadio Day